Introduction to the Art of Home Education


In this 4-week course, you will be introduced to the world of home schooling. Saltanat Bora will explore the history of the schooling system from its birth to now and explain the significance of what it means to educate your children at home today. Through interactive hands-on modules, you will go home with practical tips on how to get started with home schooling. You will also feel confident to take control of your child’s/children’s education.

Module 1- The Why of Homeschooling: The Question of Mainstream Schooling

Module 2- The What of Homeschooling: Which educational philosophy is right for me? (Steiner, Montessori, Charlotte Mason, Unschooling, Classical)

Module 3- Getting Started: Choosing a curriculum and resources,

Module 4- Getting Started: Setting up your space, daily rhythms and the importance of community

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Meet your Teacher: Saltanat Bora

Saltanat Bora’s home schooling journey began 12 years ago when she was trying to find the best education fit for her daughter. After researching into Steiner education and homeschooling Saltanat decided she would embark on a journey to create homeschooling programs for her children that nurtured childhood and the spiritual practice of Islam. After 12 years, her mission is to now share her knowledge with other homeschooling Muslim mothers.

Saltanat is the owner of the popular blog The Modest Life: where she blogs about all things homeschooling. Through her many years of homeschooling, she has developed an incredibly rich program that is instilled with Islamic themes and values.

Saltanat is also a NSW DET certified teacher with a Masters of Teaching degree.